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Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Teknik membeli rumah tanpa mengeluarkan uang

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Teknik membeli rumah tanpa mengeluarkan uang, bahkan dapat uang tiap bulan

Bagaimana cara menjadi semakin kaya dengan membeli rumah sebanyak mungkin tanpa harus punya banyak uang

Saya akan menunjukkan tekniknya kepada Anda...
Kami tidak pernah mengadakan seminar di manapun, panduan membeli rumah ini hanya bisa didapatkan di website www.beli-rumah.net

New Update 1

New Update 2011
Sekitar 3 - 4 bulan ini (disember 2009 - maret 2010) saya telah berhasil membeli 3 rumah lagi, semuanya tanpa modal dan saya tidak perlu membayar angsuran bulanannya, bahkan saya dapat penghasilan tambahan darinya.


Kwitansi Elektronik

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Software Kwitansi Elektonik

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Portable Nebulizer
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1. Mudah dibawa kemana - mana (Ukurannya kecil)
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Kumpulan Kode-Kode Rahasia Handphone

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Di bawah ini adalah kumpulan kode-kode rahasia Handphone yang pernah saya rangkum dulu, lupa sumbernya darimana, maklum cuma copy paste aja, siapa tahu kode-kode tersebut anda perlukan, makanya saya posting aja, itung-itung nambah artikel blog saya, Oh ya sekedar sharing aja kode handphone yang sering saya pakai hanyalah kode untuk mengetahui Jenis Type (tipe) HP Nokia yaitu *#0000# (baca: bintang pagar nol nol nol nol pagar). dan dibawah ini adalah kode kode rahasia handphone selengkap-lengkapnya, namun belum pernah aku coba semua, silahkan anda mencobanya sendiri!:-)


*#06# :for IMEI

*#92702689# :All Manufacture (Warranty)

*#3370# :Enable EFR (To disable, Type it again. Phone Automatically Restart)
Ingin lebih lengkap.....

Simulasi KPR

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Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah sekarang menjadi tren baru dalam pembelian rumah... Hanya dengan DP antara 20 - 30% dari harga rumah anda sudah bisa mendapatkan rumah yang anda inginkan.
Syarat umum KPR :
1. Slip Gaji Asli Pemohon
2. SK asli atau Surat Keterangan Kerja Pemohon
3. Pas foto
4. Foto copy KTP
5. Foto copy NPWP
6. Foto copy Kartu Keluarga
Kadang kita bingung bagaimana cara menghitung angsuran.... Jangan - jangan (hehehe....jangan berprasangka negative dulu ya...)
Agar supaya dapat memperkirakan besaran angsuran anda tiap bulan, anda dapat melakukan simulasi sendiri. Bagaimana caranya???? Silahkan Download disini

Trik Beli Rumah Tanpa Uang Muka (DP)

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Dewasa ini kebutuhan untuk membeli rumah semakin tinggi. Ini dibuktikan dengan banyaknya dibangun perumahan - perumahan.Untuk mereka yang mempunyai banyak uang hal ini tidak menjadi kendala. Tapi bagaimana bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai uang. Ya... tentunya mereka pasti kredit bukan (KPR). Lalu bagaimana untuk DP-nya......???
Temukan solusinya....silahkan klik disini untuk info lebih lanjut...

Saya Senang Dengan Cara Berpikir Bu Guru

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Di sebuah sekolah dasar, suatu saat seorang guru bertanya pada salah satu muridnya.
Bu Guru : “Udin tolong jawab pertanyaan ibu yaa… Kalo ada 5 ekor burung di jendela, kemudian ditembak satu, berapa yang masih tertinggal?”
Udin : “Habis dong Bu, kan lainnya pada terbang”
Bu Guru : “Salah, harusnya dijawab masih tinggal 4 ekor, tapi saya senang dengan cara berpikir kamu…..”
Di saat yang lain Udin balik bertanya pada Bu Guru.
Udin : “Bu Guru tolong jawab pertanyaan saya… Kalo ada tiga orang cewek, masing-masing membawa es krim, cewek pertama makan es krim dengan dikunyah sedikit2, yang kedua dengan menggigit es krim dan contongnya, dan yang ketiga dengan menjilati dan mengulumnya, Manakah diantara ketiga cewek itu yang sudah menikah?”
Bu Guru : “Hmmm… pasti yang makannya dengan menjilati dan mengulum es krim yaaaa”
Udin : “Salah… harusnya dijawab yang memakai cincin kawin, tapi saya senang melihat cara berpikir Bu Guru…”

Batu Kelahiran

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Capricorn (22 Des-19 Jan)

Batu kelahiran: Ruby / Mirah, Garnet, Agate / Akik
Batu Planet: Lapis Lazuli
Batu Keberuntungan: Ruby / Mirah

Aquarius (20Jan-18 Feb)

Batu kelahiran: Garnet, Moss Agate / Akik Lumut, Opal / Kalimaya, Amethyst / Kecubung
Batu Planet: Turquoise / Pyrus
Batu Keberuntungan: Garnet, Hyacinth

Pisces (19 Feb-20 Mar)

Batu kelahiran: Amethyst / Kecubung, Rock Crystal, Sapphire, Bloodstone
Batu Planet: Aquamarine
Batu Keberuntungan: Amethyst / Kecubung

Aries (21 Mar-19 Apr)

Batu kelahiran: Bloodstone, Diamond / Intan
Batu Planet: Jasper / Hati Ayam
Batu Keberuntungan: Diamond / Intan, Jasper / Hati Ayam, Bloodstone

Taurus (20 Apr-20 Mei)

Batu kelahiran: Sapphire, Amber, Turquoise / Pyrus, Blood Coral, Emerald / Zamrut
Batu Planet: Emerald / Zamrut, Aventurine
Batu Keberuntungan: Sapphire, Diamond / Intan

Gemini (21 Mei-20 Jun)

Batu kelahiran: Agate / Akik, Pearl / Mutiara, Chrysoprase
Batu Planet: Tiger Eye / Mata Macan
Batu Keberuntungan: Agate / Akik, Emerald / Zamrut

Cancer (21Jun-22Jul)

Batu kelahiran: Emerald / Zamrut, Pearl / Mutiara, Ruby / Mirah, Moonstone
Batu Planet: Moonstone
Batu Keberuntungan: Emerald / Zamrut, Agate / Akik, Chalcedony

Leo (23Jul-22Agst)

Batu kelahiran: Tourmaline, Sardonyx, Onyx
Batu Planet: Rock Crystal
Batu Keberuntungan: Peridot, Onyx, Amber

Virgo (23Agst-22Sep)

Batu kelahiran: Pink Jasper / Hati Ayam Pink, Jade / Giok, Carnelian, Sapphire
Batu Planet: Citrine / Kwarsa kuning
Batu Keberuntungan: Carnelian, Sardonyx

Libra (23Sep-22Okt)

Batu kelahiran: Opal / Kalimaya, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot
Batu Planet: Sapphire
Batu Keberuntungan: Opal / Kalimaya, Chrysolite, Sardonyx

Scorpio (23Okt-21Nov)

Batu kelahiran: Aquamarine, Topaz
Batu Planet: Garnet, Ruby / Mirah
Batu Keberuntungan: Aquamarine, Beryl

Sagittarius (22Nov-21Des)

Batu kelahiran: Sapphire, Topaz, Amethyst / Kecubung, Turquoise / Pyrus
Batu Planet: Topaz
Batu Keberuntungan: Topaz, Pearl / Mutiara

Cafe Suite Aplication

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Login System

 Information : joinbisniskeren@gmail.com
Sale For : Rp. 1.500.000,-

Makanan Untuk Meningkatkan Ketajaman Otak

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Otak merupakan bagian terpenting dari tubuh manusia yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pengaturan seluruh badan dan pemikiran manusia. Oleh karena itu, perlu nutrisi yang tepat dan berkualitas untuk menjaga supaya otak Anda tetap berfungsi dengan baik.

Dengan membuat pilihan makanan yang cerdas, kita dapat menjaga dan meningkatkan fungsi otak. Berikut adalah beberapa pilihan cerdas untuk menjaga agar fungsi otak Anda tetap dalam kondisi baik :

* Blueberry – Menurut beberapa penelitian, konsumsi buah Blueberry terbukti dapat melindungi otak dari stres, demensia, dan penyakit alzheimer. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa diet yang kaya blueberry secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan belajar dan keterampilan motorik.

* Alpukat - Meskipun dianggap sebagai "buah lemak", alpukat ternyata berkontribusi untuk menjaga aliran darah tetap sehat, menurunkan tekanan darah, dan mengurangi risiko hipertensi yang dapat menyebabkan stroke.

* Ikan – Konsumsi ikan seperti salmon adalah pilihan yang baik dibandingkan ikan air tawar ikan. Pasalnya, ikan salmon mempunyai kandungan omega-3 asam lemak esensial yang tinggi yang penting untuk fungsi otak.

* Kacang dan biji-bijian – Kacang atau biji-bijian merupakan sumber vitamin E. Makanan ini sangat penting untuk otak Anda dalam mencegah penurunan fungsi kognitif.

* Roti gandum, beras merah, dan "oatmeal" – Makanan ini juga berkontribusi untuk menjaga otak tetap sehat sekaligus mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung. Dengan meningkatnya kesehatan jantung dan aliran darah meningkat, otak dipastikan akan berkembang dengan baik. Pasalnya, oksigen yang masuk ke otak akan meningkat, begitu pula pengiriman nutrisi melalui aliran darah.

* Teh hijau – Minum teh yang baru diseduh juga baik bagi otak Anda karena teh memiliki antioksidan kuat, terutama pada kandungan catechines yang dapat mendorong aliran darah agar tetap sehat.

* Coklat hitam – Dark chocolate atau lebih dikenal dengan coklat hitam memiliki sifat antioksidan yang kuat dan mengandung beberapa stimulan alami yang dapat meningkatkan fokus dan konsentrasi. Bahkan, coklat ini juga dapat mendorong produksi endorphin yang membantu meningkatkan mood.(health.kopas.com)

How to Connect to Another Computer Using Remote Access Software

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If you have Windows XP it has built in remote access software that helps you connect to a friends computer, by invitation, to help them by taking remote access control of their computer system. This means you could be in the USA and be helping your friend in Australia to find a solution to his or her computer problems. The technology to gain remote access to basically anyone's computer is available on most computer users start menu. I regularly give my friends computer support from the comfort of my own home.

What you need to use the Help and Support tool to gain remote access

1. An broadband or cable internet connection.
2. Windows Xp on both computers
3. An email address or be signed into Windows 4. Live messenger.

The easiest way to connect

It is very easy to connect two computers over the internet. One computer can take control and fix problems on the other computer. Following these steps to use the Help and support software that is built in to Windows. 

1. Sign in to Windows Live Messenger and have your friend do the same thing.
2. Go to the start menu and choose Help and Support (shown below) Just the computer user that wants to invite does this.
3. The Help and Support Center will appear.
4. Click on Invite a Friend to connect to your computer with Remote Assistance. Located under the Ask For Assistance menu.
5. Then press Invite someone to help you. The window below will appear.
6. Choose your friends name from the Windows Messenger contact list.
7. Click on Invite this person.
8. This will allow your friend to see your desktop. If they want to control your they must press the Take control button and the other person must agree by pressing ok..

Check out the Screenshots for this article at How to connect to another computer. This is what I see when I am in control of my friends computer...I can go on the internet or read their emails etc..

Reasons to use Windows remote help and support

--Your problem is so minor, you do not want to bother an IT support person.

--You cannot afford an It technician, and your know a computer whiz..

--You have already rang software support or your internet service provider and they could not help

--You constantly need desktop computer help and using remote access software is easy!!


--If you close the Remote Assistance Window it will disconnect. And you will have to start your remote access again if you want to connect.

--Don't worry if it is a bit slow because that is normal. The speed of your remote access depends on your speed of both internet connections.

--You can also connect using an email address. The invitation is sent through email.

Saw Palmetto Berries Tea

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Prostate enlargement issues are common among men as they age. Lots of men suffer from the symptoms that come along with having a swollen or overly filled prostate. Some of the symptoms may include trouble urinating, frequent urinating, the constant feeling of needing to urinate, burning or pain upon urinating, frequent night time urinating causing loss of sleep, anxiety, and erectile dysfunction.

The enlarged prostate can cause pressure on the urethra and the bladder which can create the feeling of a full bladder, block the urine passage and block the blood flow for a man to be able to achieve an erection. Frequently waking up at night can also have negative effects mentally because of the lack of sleep. Changes may happen in the brain causing anxiety and sometimes even depression. Prostate cancer can become an issue if not treated properly.

This tea is a natural alternative to harmful and dangerous prescription medications. Also, it is an alternative for men who do not feel comfortable enough to take pills and or other oral supplements.

Many men have problems with their prostate as they age. Once a man hits 40 years old professionals in the medical field may advise men to take care of their prostates by taking supplements and regularly getting checked up on by a doctor. Prostate issues usually start happening when men are older. Fifty years old and older are normally when signs start showing up. The reason men start seeing a doctor when they are 40 is because they are trying to help prevent, or catch problems before or as they start to happen.

The directions say to put a tea bag in 6 ounces of boiling water. The tea bag should steep in the water for three minutes. The tea bag should be squeezed out in to the cup upon removal.  The tea should be taken at least once a day.

The only ingredient in this tea is Saw Palmetto Berries. While this may seem a little minimalistic, it is a powerful and potent ingredient. It is enough to help when used along with other doctor recommended remedies.

Allergies may need to be taken into consideration as consumers may want to try it out before drinking it in full. It must be prepared and enjoyed at least once every day. It may take a while to start working so patience is an important thing to remember. As soon as it starts working and symptoms start to fade the tea drinking may be reduced.

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Ways to Treat Skin Abscess

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Doctor needs to cut and clean the abscess area. Cleaning the pus might reduce the chance of infection. The ultimate goal of the treatment is to cure the skin abscess. Doctors give specific medication in forms of antibiotics and regular cleaning of the affected skin. Heat packs in various ways help in reducing the swelling and pain of the affected area. One can prevent from this problem by proper cleaning of it. Using antibiotic lotions and medicated soaps is quite helpful.

Small abscesses may be helped by applying warm compresses to the area several times a day. This will sometimes promote spontaneous drainage of the abscess. The goal of treatment is to cure the infection. The doctor may cut and drain the abscess to clean the area and control the infection. Antibiotics are given to control the infection.

Heat (such as warm compresses) may speed healing, reduce inflammation, and make the area feel better. Raise the affected part to reduce swelling and inflammation. Most skin abscesses can be cured with proper treatment. A doctor treats an abscess by cutting it open and draining the pus. After draining the abscess, a doctor makes sure all of the pus has been removed by washing out the pocket with a sterile salt solution. Sometimes the drained abscess is packed with gauze, which is removed 24 to 48 hours later. If the abscess is completely drained, antibiotics usually are not needed. However, if the infection has spread or if the abscess is on the middle or upper part of the face, antibiotics that kill staphylococci, such as dicloxacillin and cephalexin, may be used because of the high risk that the infection will spread to the brain.

Hepar sulphuris and Silica are homeopathic remedies to treat the skin abscesses. Applying a warm compress or soaking the boil in warm water can help alleviate the pain.

The goal of treatment is to cure the infection. The doctor may cut and drain the abscess to clean the area and control the infection. Antibiotics are given to control the infection.
Heat (such as warm compresses) may speed healing, reduce inflammation, and make the area feel better. Raise the affected part to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Whenever a boil is noticed, start the treatment at home. Initially, apply heat with the aid of hot packs and hot soaks. Due to the heat, blood circulation in the area increases. More white blood cells and antibodies are dispatched to the region of infection. This enables the body to combat the infection better naturally. When the skin abscess is tiny and firm, opening and draining it will not prove useful. Only, when the boil forms a head, it must be inferred that the time is apt to drain it. Smaller boils drain on their own. For larger boils, approach a healthcare practitioner to lance it.

Identifying and avoiding the potential irritants, which can mainly result in contact dermatitis, could be quite helpful for you to reduce the irritation of your skin.

If you have a fever or long-term illness, such as cancer or diabetes, or are taking medications that suppress the immune system, you should contact your health-care practitioner if you develop a boil (abscess).

Urea Cream is often recommended for treating Keratosis pilaris. However, before you use urea creams, think about this. Nitrogen, which is a waste product of protein metabolism in humans, is removed from the blood and converted to urea. Urea is transferred into the urine and removed from the body. Medically it is used in creams, supposedly, to restore moisture. There are more natural and healthier alternatives for moisturizing the skin such as Vitamin E oil, borage oil, and a many others; why use a toxic waste byproduct to do the job.



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